Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Selamun aleykum!After reading lesson one regarding the ethics of fasting and reading a lesson I found on the Internet by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen regarding the meaning of the fast, I thought I'd better spend a day experiencing the feeling and power of the fast. That day was yesterday. There was a feeling of clarity in understanding the purpose of fasting which I don't think I appreciated before...a feeling of peace and tranquility and relaxing of tension. There was certainly an understanding of hunger and some small appreciation and comprehension of what this meant to others who went without food not because of choice. This understanding dislodges me from the isolation I might have in my own space and own self interest.
Fasting also brought me to the realization that one must change what one is doing--an interruption from the daily routines--in order to maintain a comfort and appreciation of the fast. One cannot continue with ones routine and ignore the fact that one is fasting. You must slow down, stop, reconcile with yourself, and appreciate the feelings that come to you. This pause is important and a forty day pause must be truly enlightening.
Just thoughts...


Fundamentalism in Christianity stresses that the Bible is literally inerrant, not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record. Some Muslims also believe that the Qur’an is literally inerrant, and if so, how does one combine that fundamental belief with a tolerance of other faiths? Is a strong belief compatible with humility and acceptance of other beliefs?
On the other end, liberal minds, which look down upon these fundamental beliefs create another form of intolerance in itself.